In a recent Science Friday radio interview our collaborator, Dr. Benjamin Chan, described how he and colleagues at Yale University used phages to save a man with an antibiotic-resistant infection.
Through our first 2 workshops in Africa we have taught 50 scientists how to isolate phages to kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria — and those researchers have already amplified that work 10-fold!
We're excited to share that scientists from our first East Africa Workshop recently won an $800,000 grant from the African Union to develop antibacterial phages for fish!
Our own Tobi Nagel was selected as a Moonshot Fellow by the Kravis Leadership Institute, which recognizes leaders of innovative initiatives that positively impact the lives of people worldwide.
One of our workshop instructors, Dr. Ben Chan of Yale University, has been using phages to treat antibiotic-resistant infections in patients in the US. In fact, this past week he treated two more people with phages!